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  • Manfredini, F., Arbetman, M. and Toth, A.L.T. "A potential role for phenotypic plasticity in invasions and declines of social insects." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2019)


  • Manfredini, F., Brown, M.J.F. and Toth, A.L.T. “Candidate genes for cooperation and aggression in a social wasp” available online in Journal of Comparative Physiology A (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s00359-018-1252-6.


  • Beani, L., Cappa, F., Manfredini, F., Zaccaroni, M. "Polistes dominula wasps are attracted to trumpet creepers when infected by Xenos vesparum: parasitic manipulation of host behaviour?" available online in PLoS ONE (2018)


  • Kennedy, P., Baron, G., Bitao, Q., Freitak, D., Helanterä, H., Hunt, E., Manfredini, F., O’Shea-Wheller, T., Patalano, S., Pull, C., Sasaki, T., Taylor, D., Wyatt, C. and Sumner, S. “A new dawn in social insect research: small solutions for big problems in biology” available online in Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2017). 


  • Manfredini, F., Romero A., Paccanaro A., Pedroso I., Sumner S. and Brown M.J.F. “Neurogenomic signatures of successes and failures in key life-history transitions in a key insect pollinator” Genome Biology and Evolution (2017)


  • Geffre, A., Liu, R., Manfredini, F., Beani, L., Kathirithamby, J., Grozinger, C.M., Toth, A.L. “Transcriptomics of an extended phenotype: parasite manipulation of wasp social behaviour shifts expression of caste-related genes” Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2017) DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0029. 


  • Beani, L., Marchini, D., Cappa, F., Petrocelli, I., Gottardo, M., Manfredini, F., Giusti, F., Dallai, R. “Subtle effect of Xenos vesparum (Xenidae, Strepsiptera) on the reproductive apparatus of its male host: parasite or parasitoid?” Journal of Insect Physiology (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2017.06.010.


  • Doublet, V., … Manfredini, F., … Grozinger, C.M. “Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens” BMC Genomics (2017) DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3597-6.


  • Manfredini, F., Shoemaker, D.D., Grozinger, C.M. “Dynamic changes in host-virus interactions associated with colony founding and social environment in fire ant queens Solenopsis invictaEcology and Evolution (2016) DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1843.


  • Manfredini# F., Brown# M.J.F., Vergoz V. and Oldroyd B.P. “Transcriptional changes in honey bee brain induced by mating process and CO2 narcosis” BMC Genomics (2015) DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-1750-7.


  • Cappa, F., Beani, L., Cervo, R., Grozinger, C.M., Manfredini, F. “Testing male immunocompetence in two hymenopterans with different level of social organization: “live hard, die young?” The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2015) DOI: 10.1111/bij.12427.


  • Cappa, F., Manfredini, F., Dallai, R., Gottardo, M., Beani, L. “Parasitic castration by Xenos vesparum depends on host gender” Parasitology (2014) DOI: S003118201400047X.


  • Manfredini, F., Lucas, C., Nicolas, M., Keller, L., Shoemaker, D.D., Grozinger, C.M. “Molecular and social regulation of worker division of labour in fire ants” Molecular ecology (2014) DOI: 10.1111/mec.12626.


  • Manfredini, F., Riba-Grognuz, O., Wurm, Y., Keller, L., Shoemaker, D.D., Grozinger, C.M. “Sociogenomics of conflict and cooperation during colony founding in the fire ant Solenopsis invictaPLoS Genetics (2013) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003633.


  • Manfredini, F., Beani, L. and Grozinger, C.M. “Examining the ‘evolution of increased competitive ability’ hypothesis in response to parasites and pathogens in the invasive paper wasp Polistes dominula." Die Naturwissenschaften 100 (3) (2013) 219-228.


  • Beani, L., Giusti, F., Mercati, D., Dallai, R., Manfredini, F. “When a parasite breaks all the rules of a colony: morphology and fate of paper wasps infected by a strepsipteran endoparasite” Animal Behavior 82 (2011) 1305-1312.


  • Manfredini, F., Beani, L., Taormina, M., Vannini, L. “Parasitic infection protects wasp larvae from a bacterial challenge” Microbes and Infection 12 (2010) 727-735.


  • Manfredini, F., Benati, D., Beani, L. “The strepsipteran endoparasite Xenos vesparum alters the immunocompetence of its host, the paper wasp Polistes dominulusJournal of Insect Physiology 56, (2010) 253-259.


  • Manfredini, F., Massolo, A., Beani, L. “Hard to choose for tiny pests: host-seeking behaviour in Xenos vesparum triungulins” Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 22 (3) (2010) 247-256.


  • Dong, Y., Manfredini, F., Dimopoulos, G. “Implication of the mosquito midgut microbiota in the defense against malaria parasites” PloS Pathogens 5 (5) (2009) e1000423.


  • Manfredini, F., Dallai, R., Ottaviani, E. “Circulating hemocytes from larvae of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)” Tissue and Cell 40 (2008) 103-112.


  • Giusti, F., Dallai, L., Beani, L., Manfredini, F., Dallai, R. “The midgut ultrastructure of the endoparasite Xenos vesparum (Rossi) (Insecta, Strepsiptera) during its post-embryonic development and carbon isotopic analyses of the nutrient uptake” Arthropod Structure & Development 36 (2008) 183-197.


  • Manfredini, F., Giusti, F., Beani, L., Dallai, R. “Preliminary data on the cellular response of Polistes immatures (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), hosts of the endoparasite Xenos vesparum (Strepsiptera, Stylopidae)” Redia XC (2007) 155-159.


  • Manfredini, F., Giusti, F., Beani, L., Dallai, R. “Developmental strategy of the endoparasite Xenos vesparum (Strepsiptera, Insecta): host invasion and elusion of its defence reactions” Journal of Morphology 268 (2007) 588-601.


Royal Holloway
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